Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Long Does The Stomach Flu Last In Your House My Son Has The Stomach Flu, Has A High Fever And My Friend Insists On Bringing Her Kids Over...?

My son has the stomach flu, has a high fever and my friend insists on bringing her kids over...? - how long does the stomach flu last in your house

Well ... my best friend, whom I love, the life of 3 hours from us. She is in town this weekend with her husband and their two small children. My son has the stomach flu yesterday morning, had 102.3 fever and vomiting constantly around our room, and my husband the day before they are caught. It's so bad!

So .... my best friend called to ask several times how my son feels when you can hang with her two children to jump ". I started to be nice and apologize, because we do not see all too often .... but my son was sick and needed rest. I offered to go to coffee with her alone or you go home your MIL to visit family. These ideas have been destroyed. She insists he will not last "too long" and it does not matter whether their children are exposed to the flu. Are now ...???

This morning it was for me. She called me and told me that the fever is still there and my son is always out of class on the sofa .... But she always says it will not stop for a few minutestha t afternoon.

I do not speak English? Is there something I do not say, right? I love my best friend, but my husband thinks it's a little too intrusive.

What can I say or do? She just wants to play "together for children," before he went home ........ is troubling for me.


  1. I liked the first answer. Companies are with her. To say something like "I'm sorry, but _____ is sick and can not come today. _____ Do not play into the situation. [Full _____] with the names of their children. Perhaps you may have to go home as soon as your child is healthy again. Why is it acceptable that children are exposed to influenza? If you have more than one child, a handful of 2 + all sick children suffering from stomach flu.

  2. You must vigorously.

    Say "No, that one can not bring their children in this afternoon, my son is not good enough to play. Please do not come along, I am not the house." She liked to call if we are all better.
